Meet Your Foundation

Who We Are
Who We Are
The Davis County Community Foundation is committed to improving the quality of life throughout Davis County by investing in area nonprofits through our grant programs and by providing individuals, families and area businesses who love our communities with a way to give back.
Our Mission
The Davis County Community Foundation (DCCF) is a charitable foundation created by and for local citizens to improve the quality of life right here in our communities. We are here to help donors make a positive, local impact by offering a variety of giving tools to help people achieve their charitable giving goals and do good work in our communities that lasts forever.
History of DCCF
Established in 2006, DCCF is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. To date, more than $1.35 Million has been granted to worthy nonprofit organizations and toward community-betterment efforts through endowments, passthrough, and specifically earmarked donations such as the Disaster Recovery fund.
Meet the Board
Our board consists of local volunteers who care about Davis County. There are five (5) Institutional Positions, each serving a 5-year term a representing a different sector within the area:
- One (1) public employee, non-elected
- Two (2) financial institutions
- One (1) Davis County Ministerial Association
- One (1) Bloomfield Main Street or Davis County Devlopment Corporation
Additionally, there are four (4) At-Large positions, each serving a 4-year term.